github Effect-TS/effect effect@3.4.6

Patch Changes

  • #3096 5c0ceb0 Thanks @gcanti! - Micro: align with Effect module (renamings and new combinators).

    General naming convention rule: <reference module (start with lowercase)><api (start with Uppercase)>.

    • Failure -> MicroCause
      • Failure.Expected<E> -> MicroCause.Fail<E>
      • Failure.Unexpected -> MicroCause.Die
      • Failure.Aborted -> MicroCause.Interrupt
      • FailureExpected -> causeFail
      • FailureUnexpected -> causeDie
      • FailureAborted -> causeInterrupt
      • failureIsExpected -> causeIsFail
      • failureIsExpected -> causeIsFail
      • failureIsUnexpected -> causeIsDie
      • failureIsAborted -> causeIsInterrupt
      • failureSquash -> causeSquash
      • failureWithTrace -> causeWithTrace
    • Result -> MicroExit
      • ResultAborted -> exitInterrupt
      • ResultSuccess -> exitSucceed
      • ResultFail -> exitFail
      • ResultFailUnexpected -> exitDie
      • ResultFailWith -> exitFailCause
      • resultIsSuccess -> exitIsSuccess
      • resultIsFailure -> exitIsFailure
      • resultIsAborted -> exitIsInterrupt
      • resultIsFailureExpected -> exitIsFail
      • resultIsFailureUnexpected -> exitIsDie
      • resultVoid -> exitVoid
    • DelayFn -> MicroSchedule
      • delayExponential -> scheduleExponential
      • delaySpaced -> scheduleSpaced
      • delayWithMax -> scheduleWithMaxDelay
      • delayWithMaxElapsed -> scheduleWithMaxElapsed
      • delayWithRecurs -> scheduleRecurs and make it a constructor
      • add scheduleAddDelay combinator
      • add scheduleUnion combinator
      • add scheduleIntersect combinator
    • Handle
      • abort -> interrupt
      • unsafeAbort -> unsafeInterrupt
    • provideServiceMicro -> provideServiceEffect
    • fromResult -> fromExit
    • fromResultSync -> fromExitSync
    • failWith -> failCause
    • failWithSync -> failCauseSync
    • asResult -> exit
    • filterOrFailWith -> filterOrFailCause
    • repeatResult -> repeatExit
    • catchFailure -> catchAllCause
    • catchFailureIf -> catchCauseIf
    • catchExpected -> catchAll
    • catchUnexpected -> catchAllDefect
    • tapFailure -> tapErrorCause
    • tapFailureIf -> tapErrorCauseIf
    • tapExpected -> tapError
    • tapUnexpected -> tapDefect
    • mapFailure -> mapErrorCause
    • matchFailureMicro -> matchCauseEffect
    • matchFailure -> matchCause
    • matchMicro -> matchEffect
    • onResult -> onExit
    • onResultIf -> onExitIf
    • onFailure -> onError
    • onAbort -> onInterrupt
    • abort -> interrupt
    • runPromiseResult -> runPromiseExit
    • runSyncResult -> runSyncExit
    • rename delay option to schedule
  • #3096 5c0ceb0 Thanks @gcanti! - Micro: rename timeout to timeoutOption, and add a timeout that fails with a TimeoutException

  • #3121 33735b1 Thanks @KhraksMamtsov! - Support for the tacit usage of external handlers for Match.tag and Match.tagStartsWith functions

    type Value = { _tag: "A"; a: string } | { _tag: "B"; b: number };
    const handlerA = (_: { _tag: "A"; a: number }) => _.a;
    // $ExpectType string | number
      M.tag("A", handlerA), // <-- no type issue
      M.orElse((_) => _.b),
  • #3096 5c0ceb0 Thanks @gcanti! - Micro: move MicroExit types to a namespace

  • #3134 139d4b3 Thanks @tim-smart! - use Channel.acquireUseRelease for Channel.withSpan

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