github Effect-TS/effect effect@3.3.0

latest releases: @effect/sql-sqlite-wasm@0.3.18, @effect/sql-sqlite-node@0.4.18, @effect/sql-mysql2@0.4.18...
26 days ago

Minor Changes

  • #2837 1f4ac00 Thanks @dilame! - add Stream.zipLatestAll api

  • #2837 9305b76 Thanks @mattrossman! - Add queuing strategy option for Stream.toReadableStream

  • #2837 0f40d98 Thanks @tim-smart! - add timeToLiveStrategy to Pool options

    The timeToLiveStrategy determines how items are invalidated. If set to
    "creation", then items are invalidated based on their creation time. If set
    to "usage", then items are invalidated based on pool usage.

    By default, the timeToLiveStrategy is set to "usage".

  • #2837 b761ef0 Thanks @tim-smart! - add Layer.annotateLogs & Layer.annotateSpans

    This allows you to add log & span annotation to a Layer.

    import { Effect, Layer } from "effect";
        service: "my-service",
  • #2837 b53f69b Thanks @dilame! - Types: implement TupleOf and TupleOfAtLeast types

    Predicate: implement isTupleOf and isTupleOfAtLeast type guards

  • #2837 0f40d98 Thanks @tim-smart! - add concurrency & targetUtilization option to Pool.make & Pool.makeWithTTL

    This option allows you to specify the level of concurrent access per pool item.
    I.e. setting concurrency: 2 will allow each pool item to be in use by 2 concurrent tasks.

    targetUtilization determines when to create new pool items. It is a value
    between 0 and 1, where 1 means only create new pool items when all the existing
    items are fully utilized.

    A targetUtilization of 0.5 will create new pool items when the existing items are
    50% utilized.

  • #2837 5bd549e Thanks @KhraksMamtsov! - Support this argument for {STM, Either, Option}.gen

  • #2837 67f160a Thanks @KhraksMamtsov! - Introduced Redacted<out T = string> module - Secret generalization
    Secret extends Redacted
    The use of the Redacted has been replaced by the use of the Redacted in packages with version 0.*.*

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