github Effect-TS/effect effect@3.13.11

Patch Changes

  • #4601 fad8cca Thanks @gcanti! - Schema: enhance the internal formatUnknown function to handle various types including iterables, classes, and additional edge cases.


    import { Schema } from "effect"
    const schema = Schema.Array(Schema.Number)
    Schema.decodeUnknownSync(schema)(new Set([1, 2]))
    // throws Expected ReadonlyArray<number>, actual {}
    class A {
      constructor(readonly a: number) {}
    Schema.decodeUnknownSync(schema)(new A(1))
    // throws Expected ReadonlyArray<number>, actual {"a":1}


    import { Schema } from "effect"
    const schema = Schema.Array(Schema.Number)
    Schema.decodeUnknownSync(schema)(new Set([1, 2]))
    // throws Expected ReadonlyArray<number>, actual Set([1,2])
    class A {
      constructor(readonly a: number) {}
    Schema.decodeUnknownSync(schema)(new A(1))
    // throws Expected ReadonlyArray<number>, actual A({"a":1})
  • #4606 4296293 Thanks @gcanti! - Fix issue with generic filters when generating arbitraries, closes #4605.

    Previously, applying a filter to a schema when generating arbitraries could cause a TypeError due to missing properties. This fix ensures that arbitraries are generated correctly when filters are used.


    import { Arbitrary, Schema } from "effect"
    const schema = Schema.BigIntFromSelf.pipe(Schema.filter(() => true))
    // TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'min')


    import { Arbitrary, Schema } from "effect"
    const schema = Schema.BigIntFromSelf.pipe(Schema.filter(() => true))
    const result = Arbitrary.make(schema) // Works correctly
  • #4587 9c241ab Thanks @gcanti! - Schema: simplify Struct and Record return types.

  • #4591 082b0c1 Thanks @IMax153! - Improve clarity of the TimeoutException error message

  • #4604 be12983 Thanks @gcanti! - Add support for refinements to Schema.omit, closes #4603.


    import { Schema } from "effect"
    const schema = Schema.Struct({
      a: Schema.String,
      b: Schema.String
    const omitted = schema.pipe(
      Schema.filter(() => true),
    // {} ❌


    import { Schema } from "effect"
    const schema = Schema.Struct({
      a: Schema.String,
      b: Schema.String
    const omitted = schema.pipe(
      Schema.filter(() => true),
    // { readonly b: string }
  • #4593 de88127 Thanks @gcanti! - Schema: export Field type.

    Useful for creating a type that can be used to add custom constraints to the fields of a struct.

    import { Schema } from "effect"
    const f = <Fields extends Record<"a" | "b", Schema.Struct.Field>>(
      schema: Schema.Struct<Fields>
    ) => {
      return schema.omit("a")
    //      ┌─── Schema.Struct<{ b: typeof Schema.Number; }>
    //      ▼
    const result = f(Schema.Struct({ a: Schema.String, b: Schema.Number }))

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