github Effect-TS/effect effect@2.4.4

latest releases: @effect/typeclass@0.24.40, @effect/printer@0.33.40, @effect/printer-ansi@0.33.40...
3 months ago

Patch Changes

  • #2172 5d47ee0 Thanks @gcanti! - Brand: add refined overload

    export function refined<A extends Brand<any>>(
      f: (unbranded: Brand.Unbranded<A>) => Option.Option<Brand.BrandErrors>,
    ): Brand.Constructor<A>;
  • #2285 817a04c Thanks @tim-smart! - add support for AbortSignal's to runPromise

    If the signal is aborted, the effect execution will be interrupted.

    import { Effect } from "effect";
    const controller = new AbortController();
    Effect.runPromise(Effect.never, { signal: controller.signal });
    // abort after 1 second
    setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), 1000);
  • #2293 d90a99d Thanks @tim-smart! - add AbortSignal support to ManagedRuntime

  • #2288 dd05faa Thanks @tim-smart! - optimize addition of blocked requests to parallel collection

  • #2288 dd05faa Thanks @tim-smart! - use Chunk for request block collections

  • #2280 802674b Thanks @jessekelly881! - added support for PromiseLike

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