github Effect-TS/effect @effect/schema@0.67.17

Patch Changes

  • #2892 d9d22e7 Thanks @gcanti! - Schema

    • add propertySignature API interface (with a from property)
    • extend optional API interface with a from property
    • extend optionalWithOptions API interface with a from property
  • #2901 3c080f7 Thanks @gcanti! - make the AST.TemplateLiteral constructor public

  • #2901 3c080f7 Thanks @gcanti! - add support for string literals to Schema.TemplateLiteral and TemplateLiteral API interface.


    import { Schema } from "@effect/schema";
    // `https://${string}.com` | `https://${string}.net`
    const MyUrl = Schema.TemplateLiteral(
      Schema.Literal("com", "net"),


    import { Schema } from "@effect/schema";
    // `https://${string}.com` | `https://${string}.net`
    const MyUrl = Schema.TemplateLiteral(
      Schema.Literal("com", "net"),
  • #2905 7d6d875 Thanks @gcanti! - add support for unions to rename, closes #2904

  • #2897 70cda70 Thanks @gcanti! - Add encodedBoundSchema API.

    The encodedBoundSchema function is similar to encodedSchema but preserves the refinements up to the first transformation point in the
    original schema.

    Function Signature:

    export const encodedBoundSchema = <A, I, R>(schema: Schema<A, I, R>): Schema<I>

    The term "bound" in this context refers to the boundary up to which refinements are preserved when extracting the encoded form of a schema. It essentially marks the limit to which initial validations and structure are maintained before any transformations are applied.

    Example Usage:

    import { Schema } from "@effect/schema";
    const schema = Schema.Struct({
      foo: Schema.String.pipe(Schema.minLength(3), Schema.compose(Schema.Trim)),
    // The resultingEncodedBoundSchema preserves the minLength(3) refinement,
    // ensuring the string length condition is enforced but omits the Trim transformation.
    const resultingEncodedBoundSchema = Schema.encodedBoundSchema(schema);
    // resultingEncodedBoundSchema is the same as:
      foo: Schema.String.pipe(Schema.minLength(3)),

    In the provided example:

    • Initial Schema: The schema for foo includes a refinement to ensure strings have a minimum length of three characters and a transformation to trim the string.
    • Resulting Schema: resultingEncodedBoundSchema maintains the minLength(3) condition, ensuring that this validation persists. However, it excludes the trimming transformation, focusing solely on the length requirement without altering the string's formatting.
  • Updated dependencies [fb91f17]:

    • effect@3.2.8

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