github Effect-TS/effect @effect/schema@0.64.20

latest releases: @effect/schema@0.68.14, @effect/sql-sqlite-wasm@0.3.16, @effect/sql-sqlite-react-native@0.6.16...
2 months ago

Patch Changes

  • #2483 42b3651 Thanks @gcanti! - Add ParseIssueTitle annotation, closes #2482

    When a decoding or encoding operation fails, it's useful to have additional details in the default error message returned by TreeFormatter to understand exactly which value caused the operation to fail. To achieve this, you can set an annotation that depends on the value undergoing the operation and can return an excerpt of it, making it easier to identify the problematic value. A common scenario is when the entity being validated has an id field. The ParseIssueTitle annotation facilitates this kind of analysis during error handling.

    The type of the annotation is:

    export type ParseIssueTitleAnnotation = (
      issue: ParseIssue,
    ) => string | undefined;

    If you set this annotation on a schema and the provided function returns a string, then that string is used as the title by TreeFormatter, unless a message annotation (which has the highest priority) has also been set. If the function returns undefined, then the default title used by TreeFormatter is determined with the following priorities:

    • identifier
    • title
    • description
    • ast.toString()


    import type { ParseIssue } from "@effect/schema/ParseResult";
    import * as S from "@effect/schema/Schema";
    const getOrderItemId = ({ actual }: ParseIssue) => {
      if ({ id: S.string }))(actual)) {
        return `OrderItem with id: ${}`;
    const OrderItem = S.struct({
      id: S.string,
      name: S.string,
      price: S.number,
      identifier: "OrderItem",
      parseIssueTitle: getOrderItemId,
    const getOrderId = ({ actual }: ParseIssue) => {
      if ({ id: S.number }))(actual)) {
        return `Order with id: ${}`;
    const Order = S.struct({
      id: S.number,
      name: S.string,
      items: S.array(OrderItem),
      identifier: "Order",
      parseIssueTitle: getOrderId,
    const decode = S.decodeUnknownSync(Order, { errors: "all" });
    // No id available, so the `identifier` annotation is used as the title
    Error: Order
    ├─ ["id"]
    │  └─ is missing
    ├─ ["name"]
    │  └─ is missing
    └─ ["items"]
       └─ is missing
    // An id is available, so the `parseIssueTitle` annotation is used as the title
    decode({ id: 1 });
    Error: Order with id: 1
    ├─ ["name"]
    │  └─ is missing
    └─ ["items"]
       └─ is missing
    decode({ id: 1, items: [{ id: "22b", price: "100" }] });
    Error: Order with id: 1
    ├─ ["name"]
    │  └─ is missing
    └─ ["items"]
       └─ ReadonlyArray<OrderItem>
          └─ [0]
             └─ OrderItem with id: 22b
                ├─ ["name"]
                │  └─ is missing
                └─ ["price"]
                   └─ Expected a number, actual "100"

    In the examples above, we can see how the parseIssueTitle annotation helps provide meaningful error messages when decoding fails.

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