github Effect-TS/effect @effect/schema@0.61.0

Minor Changes

  • #1922 62b40e8 Thanks @gcanti! - Refactoring:

    • Schema:
      • refactor Schema.declare API to make it safe
      • add Schema.declare overloads
      • add encodeUnknown* APIs
      • rename parse* APIs to decodeUnknown*
      • symplify brand implementation
      • rename params to annotation in typeId annotation
      • add optional { strict: false } parameter to compose
      • Class
        • rename transform to transformOrFail
        • rename transformFrom to transformOrFailFrom
      • add hashSet and hashSetFromSelf
      • add hashMap and hashMapFromSelf
      • add list and listFromSelf
    • AST:
      • return ParseResult.ParseIssue instead of ParseResult.ParseError in all APIs
      • Declaration
        • split decode into decodeUnknown / encodeUnknown
        • remove type field
    • ParseResult
      • align mapBoth with Effect (i.e. onFailure, onSuccess handlers)
      • add missing Declaration node in ParseIssue
  • #1922 62b40e8 Thanks @gcanti! - add context tracking to Schema, closes #1873

Patch Changes

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