Minor Changes
Thanks @github-actions! - With this change we now require a string key to be provided for all tags and renames the dear oldTag
, so when previously you could do:import { Effect, Context } from "effect"; interface Service { readonly _: unique symbol; } const Service = Context.Tag< Service, { number: Effect.Effect<never, never, number>; } >();
you are now mandated to do:
import { Effect, Context } from "effect"; interface Service { readonly _: unique symbol; } const Service = Context.GenericTag< Service, { number: Effect.Effect<never, never, number>; } >("Service");
This makes by default all tags globals and ensures better debuggaility when unexpected errors arise.
Furthermore we introduce a new way of constructing tags that should be considered the new default:
import { Effect, Context } from "effect"; class Service extends Context.Tag("Service")< Service, { number: Effect.Effect<never, never, number>; } >() {} const program = Effect.flatMap(Service, ({ number }) => number).pipe( Effect.flatMap((_) => Effect.log(`number: ${_}`)), );
this will use "Service" as the key and will create automatically an opaque identifier (the class) to be used at the type level, it does something similar to the above in a single shot.
Thanks @github-actions! - changeEffect
type parameters order fromEffect<R, E, A>
toEffect<A, E = never, R = never>
Thanks @github-actions! - move where platform worker spawn function is providedWith this change, the point in which you provide the spawn function moves closer
to the edge, where you provide platform specific implementation.This seperates even more platform concerns from your business logic. Example:
import { Worker } from "@effect/platform" import { BrowserWorker } from "@effect/platform-browser" import { Effect } from "effect" Worker.makePool({ ... }).pipe( Effect.provide(BrowserWorker.layer(() => new globalThis.Worker(...))) )
Thanks @github-actions! - - Schema: change type parameters order fromSchema<R, I, A>
toSchema<A, I = A, R = never>
- Serializable: change type parameters order from
Serializable<R, I, A>
toSerializable<A, I, R>
- Class: change type parameters order from
Class<R, I, A, C, Self, Inherited>
toClass<A, I, R, C, Self, Inherited>
- PropertySignature: change type parameters order from
PropertySignature<R, From, FromIsOptional, To, ToIsOptional>
toPropertySignature<From, FromIsOptional, To, ToIsOptional, R = never>
- Serializable: change type parameters order from
Thanks @github-actions! - remove re-exports from platform packages -
Thanks @github-actions! - This change enablesEffect.serviceConstants
to access any constant in the service, not only the effects, namely it is now possible to do:import { Effect, Context } from "effect"; class NumberRepo extends Context.TagClass("NumberRepo")< NumberRepo, { readonly numbers: Array<number>; } >() { static numbers = Effect.serviceConstants(NumberRepo).numbers; }
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [
]:- effect@2.3.0
- @effect/platform@0.44.0
- @effect/platform-node-shared@0.1.0