github Effect-TS/effect @effect/cli@0.37.0

latest releases: @effect/typeclass@0.24.40, @effect/printer@0.33.40, @effect/printer-ansi@0.33.40...
3 days ago

Minor Changes

  • #3153 51bb7d5 Thanks @IMax153! - Refactors the Prompt.custom constructor to make it easier to create custom

    The Prompt.custom constructor allows for creation of a custom Prompt from
    the provided initial state and handlers.

    export const custom: <State, Output>(
      initialState: State | Effect<State, never, Prompt.Environment>,
      handlers: {
        readonly render: (
          state: State,
          action: Action<State, Output>,
        ) => Effect<string, never, Environment>;
        readonly process: (
          input: UserInput,
          state: State,
        ) => Effect<Action<State, Output>, never, Environment>;
        readonly clear: (
          state: State,
          action: Action<State, Output>,
        ) => Effect<string, never, Environment>;
    ) => Prompt<Output> = InternalPrompt.custom;

    The initial state of a Prompt can either be a pure value or an Effect. This
    is particularly useful when the initial state of the Prompt must be computed
    by performing some effectful computation, such as reading data from the file

    A Prompt is essentially a render loop where user input triggers a new frame
    to be rendered to the Terminal. The handlers of a custom prompt are used
    to control what is rendered to the Terminal each frame. During each frame,
    the following occurs:

    1. The render handler is called with this frame's prompt state and prompt
      action and returns an ANSI escape string to be rendered to the
    2. The Terminal obtains input from the user
    3. The process handler is called with the input obtained from the user
      and this frame's prompt state and returns the next prompt action that
      should be performed
    4. The clear handler is called with this frame's prompt state and prompt
      action and returns an ANSI escape string used to clear the screen of
      the Terminal
  • #3153 51bb7d5 Thanks @IMax153! - Utilize the Prompt.file constructor in Effect CLI's wizard mode for file and directory Options

  • #3153 51bb7d5 Thanks @IMax153! - Adds a Prompt.file constructor to the Prompt module which allows the user to select a file

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