github Effect-TS/effect @effect/ai-anthropic@0.0.3

latest releases: @effect/sql-sqlite-bun@0.31.4, @effect/vitest@0.19.2, @effect/platform-browser@0.56.4...
one day ago

Patch Changes

  • #4504 a67a8a1 Thanks @IMax153! - Introduce AiModel and AiPlan for describing retry / fallback logic between
    models and providers

    For example, the following program builds an AiPlan which will attempt to use
    OpenAi's chat completions API, and if after three attempts the operation
    is still failing, the plan will fallback to utilizing Anthropic's messages API
    to resolve the request.

    import { AiPlan, Completions } from "@effect/ai"
    import { AnthropicClient, AnthropicCompletions } from "@effect/ai-anthropic"
    import { OpenAiClient, OpenAiCompletions } from "@effect/ai-openai"
    import { NodeHttpClient, NodeRuntime } from "@effect/platform-node"
    import { Config, Console, Effect, Layer } from "effect"
    // Create Anthropic client
    const Anthropic = AnthropicClient.layerConfig({
      apiKey: Config.redacted("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY")
    // Create OpenAi client
    const OpenAi = OpenAiClient.layerConfig({
      apiKey: Config.redacted("OPENAI_API_KEY")
    // Create a plan of request execution
    const Plan = AiPlan.fromModel(OpenAiCompletions.model("gpt-4o-mini"), {
      attempts: 3
        model: AnthropicCompletions.model("claude-3-5-haiku-latest")
    const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
      // Build the plan of execution
      const plan = yield* Plan
      // Create a program which uses the services provided by the plan
      const getDadJoke = Effect.gen(function* () {
        const completions = yield* Completions.Completions
        const response = yield* completions.create("Tell me a dad joke")
        yield* Console.log(response.text)
      // Provide the plan to whichever programs need it
      yield* plan.provide(getDadJoke)
    program.pipe(Effect.provide([Anthropic, OpenAi]), NodeRuntime.runMain)
  • Updated dependencies [cc5588d, 623c8cd, 00b4eb1, f2aee98, fb798eb, 2251b15, 2e15c1e, a4979db, b74255a, d7f6a5c, 9dd8979, 477b488, 10932cb, 9f6c784, 2c639ec, 886aaa8, a67a8a1]:

    • effect@3.13.3
    • @effect/ai@0.10.3
    • @effect/experimental@0.41.3
    • @effect/platform@0.77.3

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