github EGroupware/egroupware 23.1.20240624

7 days ago
  • THIS IS A SECURITY UPDATE: thanks to Christian Zaeske from SySS GmbH and Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, please update ASAP
  • Mail: fix broken PDF attachments which were quoted-printable encoded
  • Mail: do not stall (quick-)preview on mails without text-part e.g. PDF only
  • Mail: allow to edit/fix mail account if no session password is available e.g. SAML or OpenID Connect SSO login
  • Filemanager: automatic shorten too long filenames and replace 4-byte utf-8 characters, which gave an error when trying to store VFS
  • Calendar: fix editing recurring events of type RDATE/explicit dates
  • Calendar: fix generating/importing exceptions on recurring events using explicit RDATEs instead of a RRULE
  • CalDAV/CardDAV/REST API: fix not working limited result
  • eSync: fix whole-day events were one day longer (shifted by timezone difference)
  • eSync/Mail/Calendar: limit request for all mail and events to 1 year back, instead of previous 178 or 100 days
  • eSyncPro/EPL: fix provisioning loop cause by wrong timezone conversation
  • Calendar/eSync/EPL: better cope with Android bug reporting always 1st of current month as cutoffdate, if a policy is given: use setting of default policy instead
  • Resources: fix category-name not shown in edit, if user has no edit rights to the resources
  • Resources: fix editing on mobile devices gave a template error
  • ProjectManager: if sorting element-list by start, end, budget, time or quantity: consider both varieties, but prefer the requested one
  • InfoLog: now fully supported by REST API
  • Many translations
  • Extended release notes

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