github EGroupware/egroupware 23.1.20231219

latest releases: 23.1.20250307, 23.1.20250113, 23.1.20241214...
pre-release15 months ago
  • Mail: new fully keyboard navigatable email-address entry, also allowing to sort recipients via drag-n-drop
  • Mail: implement Exchange login-type "domain/username"
  • Mail: allow to configure an auto-responder, if Sieve supports the vacation-seconds extension
  • Importexport: Progress updates pushed to browser when importing
  • Calendar/REST API: implement specifying alerts, useDefaultAlerts and priority attributes in POST or PUT requests
  • LDAP/Import: fix groups never matched regular expression dn-filter in import
  • Infolog: Take group add ACL into account for type on new entries
  • OpenIDConnect: implement email_aliases scope&claim to support passing all valid email addresses of a user to a mail archive
  • OpenIDConnect: add required "end_session_endpoint" to OID discovery document (/.well-known/openid-configuration)
  • EPL/S3: allow to reset/retry failed uploads and specify a bandwidth used to calculate longer timeouts for huge files

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