- EPL: WebAuthn incl. older U2F tokens as 2nd factor for authentication
- Preferences: always show Security & Password popup, only disable password tab, if no rights to change it
- Notification: instead of overwritting From address use ReplyTo
- Tracker: for notifications use explicit replyTo address or sender from mail config
- Calendar: Fix quick add lost additional participants
- Calendar: update to timezones version 2.2019b
- Univention: fix "Must change password upon next login" feature
- Mail: fix email date is an editable field in mail display
- Filemanager: fix actions in share->mail context menu not working on multi-selection
- Setup: fix post_install.php breaking bcrypt header_admin_password
- EPL: fix not working automatic update of container / watchtower (requires docker-compose.yml update!)
- RHEL/CentOS: fix dependency of docker-compose package to work with OS docker version