github EDCD/EDMarketConnector Release/5.6.1

22 months ago

Release 5.6.1

This release addresses some minor bugs and annoyances with v5.6.0, especially for Legacy galaxy players.

In general, at this early stage of the galaxy split, we prefer to continue to warn Legacy users who have 'send data' options active for sites that only accept Live data. In the future this might be reviewed and such warnings removed such that the functionality fails silently. This might be of use to users who actively play in both galaxies.

  • CAPI queries will now only be attempted for Live galaxy players This is a stop-gap whilst the functionality is implemented for Legacy galaxy players. Doing so prevents using Live galaxy data whilst playing Legacy galaxy, which would be increasingly wrong and misleading.

    1. 'Automatic update on docking' will do nothing for Legacy players.
    2. Pressing the 'Update' button whilst playing Legacy will result in a status line message "CAPI for Legacy not yet supported", and otherwise achieve nothing. The only function of this button is to query CAPI data and pass it to plugins, which does not include Inara and EDSM.
    3. A Legacy player trying to use "File" > "Status" will get the message "Status: No CAPI data yet" due to depending on CAPI data.

    It is hoped to implement CAPI data retrieval and use for Legacy players soon, although this will likely entail extending the plugins API to include a new function specifically for this. Thus only updated plugins would support this.

  • EDDN: Where data has been sourced from the CAPI this application now sends a header->gameversion in the format "CAPI-(Live|Legacy)-<endpoint>" as per the updated documentation.

    1. As this version only queries CAPI for Live players that will only be "CAPI-Live-<endpoint>" for the time being.

    2. If, somehow, the CAPI host queried matches neither the current Live host, the Legacy host, nor the past beta host, you will see "CAPI-UNKNOWN-<endpoint>".

    3. As that statement implies, this application will also signal 'Live' if has been used, due to detecting an alpha or beta version of the game. However, in that case the /test schemas will be used.

    Closes #1734.

  • Inara: Only warn about Legacy data if sending is enabled in Settings > Inara.

    Closes #1730.

  • Inara: Handling of some events has had a sanity check added so that the Inara API doesn't complain about empty strings being sent. In these cases the event will simply not be sent.

    Closes #1732.

  • EDSM: EDSM has decided to accept only Live data on its API. Thus, this application will only attempt to send data for Live galaxy players.

    If a Legacy galaxy player has the Settings > EDSM > "Send flight log and Cmdr status to EDSM" option active then they will receive an error about this at most once every 5 minutes. Disabling that option will prevent the warning.

Plugin Developers

  • has been updated to make it clear that the only use of imports from the config module are for setting/getting/removing a plugin's own configuration, or detecting application shutdown in progress.
  • has also been updated to add a note about how the data passed to a plugin cmdr_data() is, strictly speaking, an instance of CAPIData, which is an extension of UserDict. It has some extra properties on it, but these are for internal use only and no plugin should rely on them.
  • As noted above, implementing CAPI data for Legacy players will likely entail an additional function in the API provided to plugins. See #1728 for discussion about this.


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