github EDCD/EDDI Release/4.1.1

16 hours ago
  • Core
    • Added a speculative fix for failed SystemDetails lookups in new / unexplored star systems (#2702).
  • Commander Monitor
    • Fix an issue with saving / rendering phonetic commander names (#2706).
  • Speech Responder
    • Custom Functions
      • BodyDetails function revised to accept either body ID and system address numeric values or body and system name values. The numeric system address value is more efficient for lookups and is recommended when available.
      • StationDetails function revised to accept either market ID and system address numeric values or station and system name values. The numeric system address value is more efficient for lookups and is recommended when available.
      • SystemDetails function revised to accept either a numeric system address or a system name value. The numeric system address value is more efficient for lookups and is recommended when available.
    • Events
      • Body mapped updated to include systemAddress and bodyId properties.
      • Body scanned updated to include systemAddress and bodyId properties.
      • Carrier cooldown updated to include systemAddress and bodyId properties.
      • Carrier jumped updated to include systemAddress and bodyId properties.
      • Carrier jump engaged updated to include systemAddress, bodyId, originSystemName, and originSystemAddress properties.
      • Carrier jump request updated to include systemAddress and bodyId properties.
      • Carrier purchased updated to include a systemAddress property.
      • Disembark updated to include systemAddress, marketId and bodyId properties.
      • Docked updated to include a systemAddress property.
      • Dropship deployment updated to include systemAddress and bodyId properties.
      • Embark updated to include systemAddress, marketId and bodyId properties.
      • Entered normal space updated to include systemAddress and bodyId properties.
      • Entered supercruise updated to include a systemAddress property.
      • FSD engaged updated to include a systemAddress property.
      • FSD target updated to include a systemAddress property.
      • Glide updated to include a systemAddress property.
      • Jumped updated to include a systemAddress property.
      • Liftoff updated to include systemAddress and bodyId properties.
      • Location updated to include systemAddress and bodyId properties.
      • Nav beacon scan updated to include a systemAddress property.
      • Near surface updated to include systemAddress and bodyId properties.
      • Next destination updated to include systemAddress and bodyId properties.
      • Ring hotspots updated to include a systemAddress property.
      • Ring mapped updated to include a systemAddress property.
      • Route details updated to include systemAddress and marketId properties.
      • Settlement approached updated to include systemAddress, marketId and bodyId properties.
      • Star scanned updated to include systemAddress and bodyId properties.
      • Surface signals updated to include systemAddress and bodyId properties.
      • System scan complete updated to include a systemAddress property.
      • Touchdown updated to include systemAddress and bodyId properties.
    • Scripts
      • Carrier jump engaged updated to remove excess "welcome home" statement and invoke System report when applicable.
      • Carrier jumped updated to remove segments already voiced by Carrier jump engaged.
      • FSD engaged updated to remove excess "welcome home" statement and invoke System report when applicable.
      • Jumped updated to remove segments already voiced by FSD engaged.
      • System report updated for slightly better grammar if there is a problem classifying stations.

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