github EDCD/EDDI Release/3.3.1

5 years ago

CodexEntry events written to the journal by the game are bugged and always return a SystemAddress of 1. This release prevents the EDDN responder from taking incorrect location data from the CodexEntry event.

This release is mandatory because changes made in version 3.3 of the game mean that earlier versions of EDDI do not report data correctly to EDDN. Full release notes are here.

Compatible with Chapter 4

This release resolves all immediate issues with chapter 4, notably the problem of scan reports backlogging during fast travel ("jonking").

Script changes

Please note that some scripts, as noted in the full release notes, now have a preferences section at the top, so that commanders can quickly customise scripts without having to bother with learning the scripting language. Some options that were previously enabled are now disable by default, so if you ar missing something, please check those preferences sections.

Frontier API disabled

  • This has been disabled for the time being, due to changes that Frontier made to the authentication protocol without any transition period.
  • Unfortunately this means that EDDI is temporarily blind to market, outfitting and shipyard data. We will rectify this in EDDI 3.3.1 by reading the local journal files, but that will require commanders to visit the screens in question in-game.

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