github DustyArmstrong/homeassistant-desktop 1.6.5-beta

latest release: 1.6.5
pre-release20 days ago

NOTE: This is a preview beta build to test functionality following some code changes - if you use this build to assist with testing it is appreciated, but not expected. Feedback on app stability or any unexpected behavior is requested.


All Builds

This build primarily intends to resolve security issues with the application, namely the lack of context isolation and the resulting use of the Bonjour package in the Renderer process that really should be in the main process.

  • Migrated Bonjour instance mapping to the main process and modified IPC
  • Enabled Context Isolation to mitigate potentially unrestricted access to Electron's internals
  • Added preload file to broker IPC
  • Disabled nodeIntegration as no longer necessary
  • Updated initial instance check function to migrate away from the net module in favor of getResponse function
  • Updated dependencies

Build has been tested on Windows x64 (10/11) and Mac x64.


SHA1 Binary
cfaea53c07078b8db4156b5c7037a1800436cd49 Home Assistant Desktop-v1.6.5-beta-linux-arm64.AppImage
69e060e8bc36e8f30d84b60fd152ea3271277ae6 Home Assistant Desktop-v1.6.5-beta-linux-x86_64.AppImage
6281cf220cd9fffdbb7b618e9d5bcbe2bfcc865e Home Assistant Desktop-v1.6.5-beta-mac-arm64.dmg
1615bc9580ac72455b3adeb14a9ca31f1ca87772 Home Assistant Desktop-v1.6.5-beta-mac-x64.dmg
48b939ed060c9fc400b88218ddad0000408887bb Home Assistant Desktop-v1.6.5-beta-win-arm64.exe
0c731448821d99025b44a86bbc97d7c191b6e358 Home Assistant Desktop-v1.6.5-beta-win-x64-DPI+SCALING.exe
6174fafcecaeecf3585ed710a81da7d16168cc79 Home Assistant Desktop-v1.6.5-beta-win-x64-DPI-ONLY.exe
d767243bbe4b518b8f553ac794be0d1d63d018b2 Home Assistant Desktop-v1.6.5-beta-win-x64.exe

Full Changelog: 1.6.4...1.6.5-beta

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