github DustyArmstrong/homeassistant-desktop 1.6.4

latest releases: 1.6.5, 1.6.5-beta
27 days ago

Release to issue some more fixes and error handling.


No new major app features.

Bug Fixes


This release is intended to address the issue logged in #10. It was identified that the sleep/wake power state emission would be received twice in some cases, resulting in multiple copies of the app being launched. This is an open issue in the upstream -> electron/electron#44252. This was not seen in testing and it is not known what triggers the second event to fire.

Simple checks have been implemented to ensure the app only responds to a single sleep and wake event. It is unknown whether this impacts more than Windows.


As a further attempt to resolve issue #10, the application should now fully prevent any additional copies of itself. This is in conjunction with the above single emission logic and only allows the app to have one copy of itself running at any given time under any circumstance. This has been tested on Windows - attempting to launch another copy will spawn the process, but it is immediately killed. Appears the same for Linux in testing, MacOS prevents this by default.

All Builds

Added an error check on the renderer process to further try and resolve white screen issues. After some research, it appears the white screen is a back and forth issue in the Electron upstream that gets fixed and regresses over the years, though the crash could occur for any number of reasons. Added a new module to produce more detailed error logs to catch the renderer process crashing and simply reload the window contents. Tested on MacOS and Windows by simulating a crash on the renderer process, which immediately logs and reloads the window contents without re-initializing the app. This should hopefully account for the last lingering goblins causing the white screen issue in #7. Also added logging to specifically detail why the renderer has crashed to assist in future fault finding, if required.

App and new functionality have been tested on Windows x64, Mac x64 and Ubuntu x64.


SHA1 Binary
f4550aa56645d5648808f0d923fc2337dfbcfca9 Home Assistant Desktop-v1.6.4-linux-arm64.AppImage
cc4d2d783781c0ec404d860d1143874e97ad2558 Home Assistant Desktop-v1.6.4-linux-x86_64.AppImage
32fc0a9b92017f292c4be1d49e1c68ef4fed25f8 Home Assistant Desktop-v1.6.4-mac-arm64.dmg
f00362aeeefa1e1a1b1c09a82d61564bda32643b Home Assistant Desktop-v1.6.4-mac-x64.dmg
1f34e626513f898d4f72762a95409f367ff46068 Home Assistant Desktop-v1.6.4-win-arm64.exe
ddff441bfd9f4eeb4d203cc5a2dd9e104e37cdb7 Home Assistant Desktop-v1.6.4-win-x64-DPI+SCALING.exe
e5723e4e1742f660747ea1a96a3b5c838b16a02c Home Assistant Desktop-v1.6.4-win-x64-DPI-ONLY.exe
7cfc0f02baaacf653fc1ececcf323384a1666307 Home Assistant Desktop-v1.6.4-win-x64.exe

Full Changelog: 1.6.3...1.6.4

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