github DuncteBot/skybot-lavalink-plugin 0.0.1_8

latest releases: PRE_1.7.0_45, PRE_1.7.0_44, PRE_1.7.0_43...
pre-release3 years ago

498ae82 Update plugin api
74bb4a4 Relocate plugin files
27d5056 Set plugin version in properties file
1d96078 Fix release name
e1fbece Use propper sha
7fde26a set a release target
8bebdf2 Don't include lavaplayer
72f705b Don't include lavaplayer
5275c87 Beta release
32a0b19 Throw at the wall to see what sticks
19bc4a3 publish to maven local
57f4778 publish
4533d4e Add publishing
bb147ff Add jars
3ebe522 Chmod
796a2a4 add install command
8013290 Automatically inject version
9564807 Add gitignore
68ae37f Add jitpack build
13ac15a First draft of a plugin

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