github DroidWorksStudio/mLauncher 1.6.1

latest release: 1.6.2
26 days ago

What's New

Implemented Enhancements:

  • Added intent for ACTION_POWER_USAGE_SUMMARY (#504) - (a19cf8b)
  • Added the ability to have more custom font sizes. - (e7ed4ca)
  • Added the ability to hide times AM/PM. - (48ed53e)
  • Added the ability to hide battery icon. - (e177b18)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the clock size so it now has a max size of 150 instead of 70. - (a62886c)

Dependency Updates:

  • Updated a few depends. - (f822278)

Language Support:

Full Changelog: 1.6.0...1.6.1

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