github Drakkar-Software/OctoBot 0.1.5_1-beta
Beta - 0.1.5_1

latest releases: 2.0.8, 2.0.7, 2.0.6...
pre-release6 years ago

Changelog for 0.1.5_1-beta

Released date : July 17 2018

Concerned issues :

#305 [Refactor] refactor overall code
#318 [Candles management] adapt candles timestamp to have second timestamp everywhere
#319 [Web interface] trades are displayed for all symbols, display only for the selected one
#320 [Backtesting] do not start unecessary services on backtesting mode
#322 [Web interface] Create portfolio page
#323 [Web interface] Create orders page
#324 [Web interface] Create trades page

New features :

- Backtesting multi symbol support improved
- Backtesting report at the end of a backtesting
- Web Interface : New pages (portfolio, orders, trades)


- Improved readability of web interface

Bug fixes :

- Backtesting trades timestamps were wrong on multi symbol backtesting

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