github Drakkar-Software/OctoBot 0.0.12-alpha
Alpha - 0.0.12

latest releases: 2.0.9, 2.0.8, 2.0.7...
pre-release6 years ago

Changelog for 0.0.12-alpha

Released date : May 26 2018

Info :

  • Config : "data_collector" root key removed
  • Backtesting : "file" root key changed to "files" as array
  • Package Manager : need to perform python3 -p install all to install evaluators

Concerned issues :

#84 [Environment] Create docker
#86 [CI] Implement third party
#139 [Tests] Improve evaluator management tests coverage
#144 [Bug] Investigate version 0.0.11 negative simulated portfolio
#145 [Datacollector] Implements multiple symbol
#146 [Backtesting] Implement multi symbols
#147 [Backtesting] Implement multi exchanges
#148 [Backtesting] Implement better order manager backtesting features
#151 [Services] log info message when started
#152 [Wiki] complete wiki version 1
#153 [Beta Version] Prepare beta version
#154 [Exchanges] implement web sockets for binance exchange
#155 [TA] improve real time evaluator
#157 [Exchanges] manage websockets availability in exchange manager
#158 [Order management] implement order callback update for websockets additionnaly to poll updates
#159 added cyclic log file management
#160 [Real Trader] taking exchanges symbol and minimum trade requirements into account
#161 [Evaluators] Allows in run evaluator creation
#162 [Services] Allows in run service creation
#163 [Exchanges Tests] implement web sockets for binance tests
#165 Bump matplotlib from 2.0 to 2.2.2
#166 [Tests] Features testing
#171 [Package Manager] Prototype
#172 [Telegram Interface] No response when ask profitability
#175 Add tests for order creation
#176 [Package manager] implement advanced evaluators

New features :

- Multi symbols / exchanges data collector
- Multi symbols backtesting
- Wiki completed
- Websocket management
- Exchange management
- Binance Websocket
- Cyclic logging
- Evaluator & Service restarting management
- Package Manager
- Windows installer

Bug fix :

- Improve code quality
- Fix exception in order update_status when backtesting
- Fix order fill bug in simulation
- Fix telegram no response on /profitability command
- Taking exchanges symbol and minimum trade requirements into account

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