Oct 7, 2023: version 7.2.1.beta2
* GraphBLAS 8.2.1: bug fix to GrB_mxm; incorrect handling of typecasting
* cross-compiler support: replace check_c_source_runs with _compiles,
for GraphBLAS and SuiteSparse_config, and remove check for
* cmake update: add "None" build type, from Antonio Rojas, for Arch Linux,
to all *Config.cmake files for all packages except CSparse (CXSparse
is built instead, and CSparse does not have CSparseConfig.cmake file)
* UMFPACK v6.2.1 and GPUQREngine v3.2.1: copies internal include files
from other SuiteSparse packages (AMD and SuiteSparse_GPURuntime),
so these two packages can be built independently.