github DrTimothyAldenDavis/SuiteSparse v6.0.0-beta3
v6.0.0-beta3 (Nov 4, 2022)

latest releases: v7.9.0.beta1, v7.8.3, v7.8.2...
pre-release2 years ago

v6.0.0-beta3: adding NSTATIC option to disable the build of static libraries, and adding the installation of the SuiiteSparse_config/cmake_modules in /usr/local/lib/cmake/SuiteSparse (where /usr/local is CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, in general).

For most packages, NSTATIC defaults to false (so static libraries are built). For GraphBLAS, the compilation takes a long time so the default is true (do not build the static libgraphblas.a). For Mongoose, the option is always false and ignored if set to true, since the static library is needed by the mongoose program.

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