github DrTimothyAldenDavis/SuiteSparse v6.0.0-beta2
v6.0.0-beta2 (Nov 4, 2022)

latest releases: v7.9.0.beta1, v7.8.3, v7.8.2...
pre-release2 years ago

Revised CMake / Makefile install rules. For the Makefiles:

  • make: installs in /usr/local (or whatever CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX says). This is the default. Normally would require "sudo make install"
  • make local: installs in SuiteSparse/lib, ./include, ./bin (ignoring CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX)
  • make global: same as "make", but can be done after "make local" to reset what "make install" does
  • make both: installs in both places

These are handled by CMake options: -DGLOBAL_INSTALL=(true or false, 0 or 1), and -DLOCAL_INSTALL=(ditto). By default, GLOBAL_INSTALL is true (like "make global", install in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) and LOCAL_INSTALL (install in SuiteSparse/lib, SuiteSparse/include) is false.

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