github Dolibarr/dolibarr 9.0.4

latest releases: 19.0.2, 19.0.1, 19.0.0...
4 years ago

FIX: #5249
FIX: #11025
FIX: #11032
FIX: #11097
FIX: #11169
FIX: #11202
FIX: #11244
FIX: #11296
FIX: #11316
FIX: #11335
FIX: Add missing end date of subscription in export
FIX: A user may read holiday and expense report without permissions
FIX: better syntax
FIX: condition
FIX: confirmation of mass email sending + option MAILING_NO_USING_PHPMAIL
FIX: crabe pdf: bad detailed VAT for situation invoices, in situations S2 and above
FIX: default value for duration of validity can be set from generic
FIX: do not include tpl from disabled modules
FIX: Error management when MAILING_NO_USING_PHPMAIL is set
FIX: Even with permission, can't validate leave once validator defined.
FIX: extrafield list search: SQL error when field is multiselect
FIX: if last char of customercode is accent making the truncate of first
FIX: Import of chart of account
FIX: in edit mode, dictionary inputs do not escape the string inside the 'value' attribute, causing errors if there are any double quotes
FIX: invalid link on user.fk_user
FIX: invoice class: bad SQL request if product type not set
FIX: javascript error when ckeditor module not enabled
FIX: mail presend: can overwrite a file previously uploaded (Issue #11056)
FIX: mass send mail
FIX: missing compatibility with multicompany transverse mode
FIX: missing llx_const encrypt
FIX: modulebuilder: hardcoded llx_
FIX: Not showing Contract and Project columns on ficheinter list
FIX: only profid1 to 4 were editable for pdf option to show. Not 5 and 6.
FIX: productaccount buylist with pages
FIX: remove isolated transaction commit
FIX: security (a user can read leave or holiday of other without perm.
FIX: situation invoices: bad detailed VAT in situations following the first one
FIX: situation invoices: block progress percentage change for discount lines
FIX: syntax error
FIX: the id was not loaded in fetch of accounting system
FIX: try to use WHERE EXISTS instead of DISTINCT
FIX: use dol_sanitizeFileName() function to remove double spaces in filenames, as well as done on document.php when we want to download pdf
FIX: Use of cron with multicompany
FIX: var name
FIX: we need to fetch fourn invoice with ref in current entity
FIX: Wrong stock movement on supplier credit notes
FIX: Import of record in ledger

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