github Dolibarr/dolibarr 9.0.3

latest releases: 19.0.2, 19.0.1, 19.0.0...
4 years ago

FIX: #11013
FIX: #11041
FIX: actioncomm: sort events by date after external calendars and hook (into 7.0)
FIX: better test
FIX: Combo list was limited to 20 in stock correction
FIX: Confusion between expired and late
FIX: Cursor pointer in payment screen for autofill
FIX: CVE-2019-11199
FIX: CVE-2019-11200
FIX: CVE-2019-11201
FIX: Default value on form to send email
FIX: error messages not displayed
FIX: Massive debug in lettering function
FIX: missing compatibility with multicompany
FIX: missing global $user
FIX: missing situation invoice in list
FIX: MultiEntity in lettering functionality
FIX: Product accountancey sell intra code must be visible if main feature level 1
FIX: ref for table without ref manager are set to NULL.
FIX: Sending email to mass actions send same email on same customer
FIX: Several fixes on import of services/products
FIX: shipping default warehouse if only one warehouse
FIX: sortfield on lettering function
FIX: Status of opportunity should never be -1
FIX: test to display create invoice button on supplier_order card
FIX: The autocopy feature was ko for suppliers
FIX: Total per day in timespent per week
FIX: Total per day shows 00:00 if the total time spent is equal to 12:00
FIX: Update/delete currency on same languages
FIX: Wrong variable name make contact of supplier order not used on PDF.
FIX: Add hidden option MAIN_PDF_HIDE_SITUATION to hide situation (quick hack to fix output pb).
FIX: attached files list with link file was broked

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