github Dolibarr/dolibarr 9.0.2

latest releases: 19.0.2, 19.0.1, 19.0.0...
4 years ago

FIX: #10822
FIX: Accountancy - Format EBP import
FIX: A page of a site replaced with another when switching in edit mode
FIX: Autodetect buy price for invoices autogenerated with templates.
FIX: Avoid error 500 when extension php-intl not loaded
FIX: bad check on type of expense report (mandatory status not working)
FIX: Bad label of status for members (must be short version in list)
FIX: Can not create contract with numbering module without autogen rule
FIX: Can't set default value of extrafield of type varchar
FIX: check only if invoice module is enabled (bank is check after)
FIX: counter of permissions in badge was wrong
FIX: default value of language of thirdparty
FIX: Don't show accountingjournal:getNomUrl without data
FIX: Duplicate executeHook function
FIX: Edit of personalized groups
FIX: Error with various & salary payment on project
FIX: extrafields always visible on view mode
FIX: function not found
FIX: If we build one invoice for several orders, we must put the ref of
orders on lines.
FIX: expensereport must be in $check array
FIX: missing entity filter and wrong var name
FIX: Missing field "In sale" in list
FIX: missing hook completeTabsHead in margins module
FIX: missing hook in agenda export
FIX: missing vat_src_code when inserting an expense report line
FIX: More complete auto setup of barcode module
FIX: need to round with 2 decimals to avoid movements not correctly balanced
FIX: no need to test anything to display documents tabs on expense report
FIX: old export models was not visible
FIX: Param keepn must be 1 when dol_escape_htmltag used for textarea
FIX: possibility to set up payment mode when invoice module is disabled
FIX: problem with sign of various payment in project preview
FIX: Remane of project
FIX: setup of module export
FIX: several hooks in shipping/delivery cards
FIX: supplier discount was not retrieved when choosing a product
FIX: The minimum amount filter does not work in the VAT report per customer
FIX: Tooltip on click was ko on smartphone
FIX: translation
FIX: useless join
FIX: Vat src code lost after editing expense report line
FIX: we need to keep originline special_code
FIX: Can't insert if there is extrafields mandatory on another entity.
FIX: error in create object when 2 extra fields are mandatory in 2 different entities
FIX: when we create deposit with multi tva, we mustn't add line if amount = 0 (example when we have a 100% reduc on one of origin invoice line)
FIX: wrong redirect link on holiday refuse
NEW: Add more complete error messages in log on stripe payments

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