github Dokploy/dokploy v0.1.0

latest releases: v0.3.0, v0.2.5, v0.2.4...
one month ago

What's Changed

Multi node support

We introduce multi node support to link multiples servers and join them to a dokploy server.


⚠️ Note Atention:

Initially, in the installation that we had initially, we in the docker swarm used to initialize the docker swarm orchestration, this is a problem if you really want to use the multinode because you can not use as ip to be able to connect to other servers, therefore it is necessary to assign the public IP of your VPS when initializing the docker swarm network, we understand that this can be a downtime for a few seconds until all your applications get deploy, we know is not a ideal way for many people who really want to use it, but it is the only way to make sure that the multinode works correctly, if you really don't have the interest/want to use the multinode support, all right you don't have to do anything, your applications will continue to work the same way, but if you want to use it follow the next steps:

For new installations this problem has been adressed

  1. Keep in mind that executing this command will delete all your services, but your information will be persistent as databases and others, so you will have a drop of all your applications and databases until dokploy initialize and manually you deploy your applications, you will have the same information exactly as you left it so you should not have any problem when deploying.

Just copy and paste this command!

docker swarm leave --force 2>/dev/null; advertise_addr=$(curl -s; docker swarm init --advertise-addr $advertise_addr; echo "Swarm initialized"; docker network rm -f dokploy-network 2>/dev/null; docker network create --driver overlay --attachable dokploy-network; docker pull dokploy/dokploy:latest; docker service create --name dokploy --replicas 1 --network dokploy-network --mount type=bind,source=/var/run/docker.sock,target=/var/run/docker.sock --mount type=bind,source=/etc/dokploy,target=/etc/dokploy --publish published=3000,target=3000,mode=host --update-parallelism 1 --update-order stop-first dokploy/dokploy:latest

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Full Changelog: v0.0.4...v0.1.0

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