github Dinir/mini-padder 1.2.1
Looking Back on the Past

latest releases: 5.4.3, 5.4.2, 5.4.1...
4 years ago

...and probably making the code of the past less aggressive.

The code is just slightly edited in the way that it won't dump all inputs as unusable text elements when it can't find a stored mapping for a connected gamepad. It will now try to assign XInput controller mapping to it. It's probably not gonna work very well. But it's better than having the unusable text elements on the page.

Project title is also changed. I don't want it to be mainly supporting only one kind of gamepads. The new title is too generic, but I think it will be okay for a project like this.

I was working on a side branch the whole time, and was concerned about that working directly on the master branch would break up the currently hosted page. While I won't be able to know if it was a concern worth to have, I packed the old version into a separate directory to ensure it will be continuously working, and I won't be accidentally touching the files. Until I finish current version of the gamepad viewer. Which will be much better.

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