github Dingmatt/AMSA v1

latest releases: v1_0_7_4, V1_0_7_3, V1_0_7_2...
5 years ago

This is v1 of the re-coded agent, it's back under development so I've rebased it's versioning to reflect that.

Changes since v0.1.4 Alpha Demo 7:

  • Online resource requests now include a User-Agent String (corrects some AniDB issues)
  • Online resource requests are now Gzip aware and will decompress files where required

If you're updating from the demo versions then be prepared for a full library refresh, if you'd rather avoid this then you'll need to rename the 'com.plexapp.agents.amsa_test' folder in the '\Plug-in Support\Caches' to 'com.plexapp.agents.amsa'

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