github Difegue/LANraragi v.0.7.5
LANraragi v.0.7.5 - Underground

latest releases: v.0.9.21, v.0.9.20, v.0.9.10...
3 years ago

So while “Underground” is fine for a singalong end titles theme, what a great squandered opportunity. This is the return of Luther Vandross, now an R&B superstar, into Bowie’s orbit? This is the only time Chaka Khan ever appears on a Bowie record?


Probably my last LRR release for 2020. Man, what a doggy dog year!

GitHub Discussions now open

GitHub moved their StackExchange ripoff to open beta, and I was initially kinda dismissive of it!
But after a closer look I think it holds value for broad suggestions/ideas that'd otherwise kinda end up drowning in the Issues list because I never have much time to look at it.

So I enabled it for the repo, moved a few issues to it and you can check it out here!


It'd also be convenient for frequently-asked questions that aren't necessarily covered by the Documentation.
For real OG discussions and support I think the Discord is better atm, but maybe I'll be surprised.

Alright, on to the ole' Changelog:


  • (#361) Fix the OPDS API

    🧯 The OPDS API ended up a bit on the backburner since it's not very used, which led to it literally burning.
    🕶 Writing this changelog actually spurred to me to write an integration test for it, which isn't in this release since I already merged to master lmao

  • (#360) Fix the Reader Options modal being unusable on phones

    🎨 gosh dang it I fucked up the css again lads
    🎼 This issue actually serves as a pretty good segue to the next item tho:

  • (#339) Add a toggle in the Index to crop or not Archive Thumbnails

    📚 And this toggle lives in a new modal on the Index, adeply named Display Options.
    🧾 The List View/Compact mode toggle has been moved to this modal as well.
    ✨ Being able to disable the auto-cropping was a long overdue request considering how simple it is, so I also fixed a few sizing issues when switching from thumbnail to list view as a bonus.

  • (#364) Refine the chmodding done by the Docker container to your content folder

    🌠 External contribution! I'm glad people who actually know how linux works use this as well.

  • (#362) Fix Category filtering exploding if your Category only has 1 or less items

    🌠 Also an external contribution!
    💣 dang that was embarassing

  • Fix backup restoration potentially going very wrong with categories

    💥 dang that's even more embarassing

  • Refine Search Cache misses/warms a bit further

    💎 This cache warm system is as hard to balance as a fighting game I swear

  • (#337) Add SHA256 hash of MSI Installer to build logs

    ☃ I don't think anyone will care about this except me. You can now see the hash of a built installer at the end of the "Build MSI Installer" Github Action:

Everyone, have a Great Day!

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