github Difegue/LANraragi v.0.5.4-EX
LANraragi v.0.5.4-EX - Autotagging Apocalypse

latest releases: v.0.9.21, v.0.9.20, v.0.9.10...
6 years ago

sans titre
it's fucked lads

This is mostly a hotfix release for the bugs in issue #56 and #57, so the changelog is small - most of the stuff in the works for 0.5.5 isn't even ready to be pushed to dev.

Also this is inconsequential to the release but Hacktoberfest is currently ongoing!
I've added a few easy issues to the tracker if you wish to contribute and add some pull requests points to get an epic open source shirt or something.


  • Take into account both parody and series namespaces for the Series column
    🏷 This is a small thing - parody was used because most of the inital tag spec was lifted from sadpanda, but as more and more people use this for not only doujins but manga as well, it makes more sense to take into account the series namespace as well.

  • Fixed bug where auto-tagging wouldn't work for archives directly dropped into the content folder
    🔥 Took me only two weeks to notice! Thanks to everyone who reported this to me. The exception would also completely fuck up file auto-detection, leading to files not being added to the archive at all. What a mess.

What's Next?

Work on the plugin system overhaul is ongoing - I hope to have 0.5.5 out by the end of October.
I'd also like to introduce a better automated build pipeline than the Docker Cloud builds (which are already incredibly useful but a bit limited for testing and building stuff that isn't Docker images), likely relying on a Jenkins of some sort.

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