github DefectDojo/django-DefectDojo v1.0.1
Reporting Improvements

latest releases: 2.36.0, 2.35.4, 2.35.3...
9 years ago
  • Added finding reports at the Product_Type, Product, Engagement and Test level. Reports can be generated in Asciidoc and PDF formats.
    • Since changed makemigrations/migrate is needed.
    • For PDF reports the following must be installed via pip:
    • django-easy-pdf
    • xhtml2pdf>=0.0.6
    • reportlab
  • Added ability to upload Veracode XML export.
  • Added ability to upload Burp XML reports from Scanner.
  • For Nessus, Veracode and Burp uploads added the ability to select minimum severity level to import.
  • For Change Password form, added csrf tokend and autocomplete off.
  • Added Content-Type to download views download_risk and view_threatmodel.
  • Added CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY = True, SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True and CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = True to and instructions on these in the setup.bash script.
  • Minor css tweaks, and corrected typos.

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