github DefGuard/defguard v1.1.4

16 days ago

⚠️ WARNING: Please read the upgrade notes for version 1.1.4, as we've introduced a change which may require certain modifications before you update ⚠️

Upgrade notes:

What's Changed

Quick fix release

Full Changelog: v1.1.3...v1.1.4

🎉 1.1.x: All Enterprise features are free! 🎉

All Enterprise features (within certain limits) are now free and do not require a license.
Limits should be more than sufficient for home, small business, and student use. More details here.

Further improvements:

🔐 Ability to use external OIDC for secure remote enrollment and Desktop client configuration

🔏 External OIDC now supports code authorization flow - extending Custom OIDC support to Okta, JumpCloud, Zitadel and others..

🛜 Fixed IPv6 configuration in the Location settings

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