github DavidXanatos/TaskExplorer v0.9.25
Build v0.9.25

latest releases: v1.5.5c, v1.5.5, v1.5.3...
4 years ago

This releases added many small convenience features, as well as a few major once.
It now has a DNS cache tab, and the date form the DNS cache are used to more reliably resolve the remote host mane to which a socket was opened. Instead of just using a reverse dns which in the age of CDN's, likecloud flare and blazing fast, is quite useless, the tool correlates new sockets with the system DNS cache this way resolving which host name the process actually requested.
Task explorer can now use the Wait Chain Traversal feature of windows to debug deadlocks of processes.
And as the version approaches 1.0 we have many bug fixed.

[0.9.25] - 2019-09-15


  • added remote host names resolution for the socket's tabs
  • added dns cache viever with 60 min persistence
    -- the dns cache feature correlates the cached data with open sockets and provides a remote host name more reliable than reverse dns lookups
  • better formating when copying panels
  • added column reset option to all lists
  • added f5 full refresh options
  • added security explorer
  • all sub windows now save their geometry
  • addes Working Set Watch fature to count page faults
  • added a few more pool informations
  • added running object table view to kernel objects
  • added Wait Chain Traversal feature to detect deadlocks
  • added option to open thread tokens


  • when a new process is seen in an ETW or FW event it is now created and some masic infos are loaded
  • copy cell now can copy multiple cels
  • when enabling/disablign columns a refresh is triggered right away to fill in the data (in caseuse has set a ver slow refresh rate)
  • improved menu layout


  • fixed on copy cell did not work properly with multiple items selected
  • fixed on cppy panel and row copying empty(hiden) columns
  • fixed process tree horizontal scroll bar position reset on selection in tree
  • fixed NtQueryInformationFile deadlock in windows 7 when querying \Device\VolMgrControl
  • fixed issue where some deltas caused a overflow when the counter reset

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