github DavidXanatos/TaskExplorer v0.6
Build v0.6

latest releases: v1.5.5c, v1.5.5, v1.5.3...
4 years ago

This release focuses on .NET support and improvements to services.

[0.6] - 2019-07-31


  • .NET stack tracking support
  • .NET Tab with assemblies and performance infos
  • panel search can now instead of only filtering also just highlight the results
  • when encountering an access denided we now try to start an elevated worker and retry
  • added option to edit service dependencies
  • forked QTabBar and QTabWidget to provide a windows like multiRow operation mode


  • taskexplorer can now be started as elevated worker or 32 bit worker not just as a service
  • improved stack trace display handling
  • improved service info window


  • memory view being unnececerly refreshed
  • fixed dpi scling issue

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