github DavHau/mach-nix 2.4.0
2.4.0 (20 Sep 2020)

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3 years ago

2.4.0 (20 Sep 2020)

Global conditional overrides, simple overrides for buildPythonPackage, improved metadata extraction, fix wheel selection


  • Global conditional overrides: Similar to the overrides from poetry2nix, this allows users to upstream their 'fixes' for python packages. Though, a special format is used here which is optimized for human readability and allows to define a condition for each fix. Therefore fixes are applied on a granular basis depending on the metadata of each package like its version, python version, or provider. This format is designed in a way, so it could easily be reused by projects other than mach-nix. Please contribute your fixes to ./mach_nix/fixes.nix
  • Simplified overrides are now also available for buildPythonPackage (underscore argument)
  • Inherit passthru from nixpkgs: Reduces risk of missing attributes like numpy.blas.
  • Allow passing a string to the python argument of mkPython: Values like, for example, "python38" are now accepted in which case pkgs.python38 will be used. The intention is to reduce the risk of accidentally mixing multiple nixpkgs versions.
  • Improved error handling while extracting metadata from python sources in buildPythonPackage.


  • Selecting extras when using buildPythonPackage didn't have any effect
  • The passthru argument for buildPythonPackage was ignored
  • The propagatedBuildInputs argument for buildPythonPackage was ignored
  • Wheels with multiple python versions in their filename like PyQt5-...-cp35.cp36.cp37.cp38-...whl were not selected correctly.

Package Fixes:

  • tensorflow: collision related to tensorboard
  • orange3: broken .so file caused by fixupPhase (probably due to shrinking)
  • ldap0: add misssing build inputs.

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