github DataDog/dd-trace-py v2.12.3

7 hours ago

Bug Fixes

  • Code Security

    • This fix resolves an issue where exploit prevention was not properly blocking requests with custom redirection actions.
    • Ensure the Initializer object is always reset and freed before the Python runtime.
  • LLM Observability

    • Fixes an issue where the OpenAI and LangChain integrations would still submit integration metrics even in agentless mode. Integration metrics are now disabled if using agentless mode via LLMObs.enable(agentless_enabled=True) or setting DD_LLMOBS_AGENTLESS_ENABLED=1.
    • Resolves an issue in the LLMObs.annotate() method where non-JSON serializable arguments were discarded entirely. Now, the LLMObs.annotate() method safely handles non-JSON-serializable arguments by defaulting to a placeholder text.
    • Resolves an issue where attempting to tag non-JSON serializable request/response parameters resulted in a TypeError in the OpenAI, LangChain, Bedrock, and Anthropic integrations.
    • Resolves an issue where attempting to tag non-JSON serializable request arguments caused a TypeError. The Anthropic integration now safely tags non-JSON serializable arguments with a default placeholder text.
    • Resolves an issue where attempting to tag non-JSON serializable tool config arguments resulted in a TypeError. The LangChain integration now safely tags non-JSON serializable arguments with a default placeholder text.
  • Profiling

    • All files with platform-dependent code have had their filenames updated to reflect the platform they are for. This fixes issues where the wrong file would be used on a given platform.
    • Improves the error message when the native exporter fails to load and stops profiling from starting if ddtrace is also being injected.
    • Enables endpoint profiling for stack v2, DD_PROFILING_STACK_V2_ENABLED is set.
    • Fixes endpoint profiling when using libdatadog exporter, either with DD_PROFILING_EXPORT_LIBDD_ENABLED or DD_PROFILING_TIMELINE_ENABLED.
    • Enables code provenance when using libdatadog exporter, DD_PROFILING_EXPORT_LIBDD_ENABLED, DD_PROFILING_STACK_V2_ENABLED, or DD_PROFILING_TIMELINE_ENABLED.
    • Fixes an issue where flamegraph was upside down for stack v2, DD_PROFILING_STACK_V2_ENABLED.
  • Tracing

    • Fixes an issue where celery.apply spans didn't close if the after_task_publish or task_postrun signals didn't get sent when using apply_async, which can happen if there is an internal exception during the handling of the task. This update also marks the span as an error if an exception occurs.
    • Fixes an issue where celery.apply spans using task_protocol 1 didn't close by improving the check for the task id in the body.
    • Fixes circular imports raised when psycopg automatic instrumentation is enabled.
    • Removes a reference cycle that caused unnecessary garbage collection for top-level spans.
    • Fixed an issue where a TypeError exception would be raised if the first message's topic() returned None during consumption.
    • Kinesis: Resolves an issue where unparsable data in a Kinesis record would cause a NoneType error.

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