github DataDog/dd-trace-py v0.52.0

latest releases: v2.9.2, v2.10.0rc2, v2.9.1...
2 years ago

Release Notes


New Features

  • The ddtrace.Tracer.get_log_correlation_context method has been added to replace ddtrace.helpers.get_correlation_ids. It now returns a dictionary which includes the current span's trace and span ids, as well as the configured service, version, and environment names.
  • Add tracing support for the httpx library. Supported versions >=0.14.0.
  • ASGI: store the ASGI span in the scope. The span can be retrieved with the ddtrace.contrib.asgi.span_from_scope function.
  • Submit runtime metrics as distribution metrics instead of gauge metrics.
  • Support flask-caching (>= 1.10.0) with the Flask-Cache tracer.
  • Only for CI Visibility (pytest integration): It is now possible to specify any of the following git metadata through environment variables:
    • DD_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL: The url of the repository where the code is stored
    • DD_GIT_TAG: The tag of the commit, if it has one
    • DD_GIT_BRANCH: The branch where this commit belongs to
    • DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA: The commit hash of the current code
    • DD_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE: Commit message
    • DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME: Commit author name
    • DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL: Commit author email
    • DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_DATE: The commit author date (ISO 8601)
    • DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_NAME: Commit committer name
    • DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: Commit committer email
    • DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_DATE: The commit committer date (ISO 8601)

Bug Fixes

  • ASGI: handle decoding errors when extracting headers for trace propagation.
  • Corrected some typing annotations for PEP 484 compliance
  • Django: add support for version 3.1+ ASGI applications. A different codepath is taken for requests starting in Django 3.1 which led to the top level span not being generated for requests. The fix introduces automatic installation of the ASGI middleware to trace Django requests.
  • dogpile.cache: handle both kwargs and args in the wrapper functions (using only kwargs would result in an IndexError).
  • Fixes an issue with the Django integration where if the urlconf changes at any point during the handling of the request then the resource name will only be <METHOD> 404. This fix moves resource name resolution to the end of the request.
  • Fixes error with tagging non-string Flask view args.
  • werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound 404 errors are no longer raised and logged as a server error in the Flask integration.
  • Fixes type hinting for **patch_modules parameter for patch/patch_all functions.
  • Fixes an issue when using the pytest plugin with doctest which raises an AttributeError on DoctestItem.
  • Fixes a bug in the pytest plugin where xfail test cases in a test file with a module-wide skip raises attribute errors and are marked as xfail rather than skipped.
  • Fixed the handling of sanic endpoint paths with non-string arguments.
  • opentracer: don't override default tracing config for the ENABLED, AGENT_HOSTNAME,AGENT_HTTPS or AGENT_PORT settings.

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