Upgrading to 0.31.0
This release addresses issues with the gRPC, Celery, Elasticsearch integrations. In addition, there are internal improvements to how timing for spans is being handled.
- celery: use strongrefs for celery signals (#1122) fixes #1011
- elasticsearch: Add support for elasticsearch6 module (#1089)
- grpc: improve handling exceptions (#1117, #1119) and use callbacks to avoid waits (#1097)
- opentracing: fix for compatibility tags (#1096 -- thanks @marshallbrekka)
Core and Internal
- core: replace time.time by monotonic clock (#1109)
- core: rewrite agent writer on new process (#1106)
- core: add support for dogstatsd unix socket (#1101)
- core: always set rate limit metric (#1060)
- internal: fix setting analytics sample rate of None (#1120)
- internal: initial work on tracer health metrics (#1130, #1129, #1127, #1125)
- internal: use args for LogRecord when logging (#1116 -- thanks @karolinepauls)
- span: use ns time (#1113, #1112, #1105, #964)
- tracer: allow to override agent URL with a env var (#1054)
- docs: add a GitHub issue template (#1118)
- Remove extra import from tracer get_call_context code snippet (#1041)
Read the full changeset and the release milestone.