github DataDog/dd-trace-py v0.10.0

latest releases: v2.9.2, v2.10.0rc2, v2.9.1...
6 years ago

Distributed Sampling (beta)

New feature that propagates the sampling priority across services. This is useful to mark traces as "don’t keep the trace" or "must have" when distributed tracing is used. This new functionality requires at least the Datadog Agent 5.19+. Frameworks with out-of-the-box support are: Django, Flask, Tornado (#358, #325, #359, #364, #366, #365, #371, docs)


  • [core] update the Context propagation API, that includes a new way to retrieve and set the current active Span context. (#339)
  • [core] implement Propagators API to simplify Distributed Tracing. You can use HTTPPropagator class to inject and extract the tracing context in HTTP headers (#363, #374 docs)
  • [celery] use service name from DATADOG_SERVICE_NAME env var, if defined (#347 -- thanks @miketheman)
  • [django] respect env Agent host and port if defined (#354 -- thanks @spesnova)


  • [pylons] handle exception with non standard 'code' attribute (#350)
  • [pyramid] the application was not traced when the tween list was explicitly specified (#349)

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