github DataDog/dd-trace-java v0.67.0

latest releases: v1.34.0, v1.33.0, v1.32.0...
3 years ago

Known Issues

  • Under heavy load the writing of spans might throw an exception due to a mismatch in the counting of the finished spans #2076. Fix slated for v0.68.0


  • Added Elasticsearch 7 instrumentation #2022
  • Improved AbstractExecutorService instrumentation #2021


  • Change asyncPropagating default to true #2008
    • Users adding asynchronous traces with the OpenTracing API may find them being propagated too far leading to unrelated traces being grouped together. This is more likely to happen in "tail call recursion" situations.
    • To remedy this, be sure to call SpanBuilder.ignoreActiveSpan() when starting a new trace.


  • Fixes for Reactor #1876 (OTel) #2037
  • Be defensive about misbehaving exception types #2027

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