This patch release introduces multiple bug fixes and refactors mainly related to contribs for integrating dd-trace-go
better with Orchestrion. More details below.
Application Performance Monitoring (APM)
- contrib/confluentinc/confluent-kafka-go: split tracing code #2907
- contrib/confluentinc/confluent-kafka-go: fix goroutine leak in Produce #2924
- contrib/dimfeld/httptreemux.v5: failing tests for path variable replacement #2938
- contrib/jackc/pgx.v5: wrap previous tracer #2932
- contrib/log/slog: fix WithAttrs and WithGroup implementation #2857
- contrib/net/http: refactor tracing #2921
- contrib/segmentio/kafka.go.v0: refactor tracing code #2885
- contrib/slog: clone record before calling Add #2929
- [fix][tracer] DD_TRACE_HEADER_TAGS treats trailing colon as invalid input #2913
- Fix: Support custom propagators in startup log #2925
Full Changelog: v1.69.0...v1.69.1