This release has a lot of new features including a new integration for
, new configuration options, and support for tracing in AWS Lambda environments, as well as a number of fixes.
This release is especially notable for its high number of community contributions. Thanks again to all contributors. 🥇
- contrib/database/sql: add sql.query_type tag to sql spans (#707) (Thanks, @speza)
- contrib/ add support for new path (#713) (Thanks, @patronmike)
- contrib/graph-gophers/graphql-go: Add WithOmitTrivial option. (#715) (Thanks, @cube2222)
- contrib/jinzhu/gorm: Add custom tags. (#723) (Thanks, @cube2222)
- profiler: add API key check at initialization of Profiler object (#718)
- contrib: add support for (#721) (Thanks, @CAFxX)
- ddtrace/tracer: add support for lambda tracing (#702, #742)
- contrib/go-redis/redis: Enable tracing of Pipelined and TxPipelined (#724) (Thanks, @JDiPierro)
- ddtrace/tracer: add WithDebugStack StartOption to configure stack traces. (#739)
- contrib/gomodule/redigo: Don't pass nil contexts around in withSpan (#711) (Thanks, @abustany)
- ddtrace/tracer: improve agent connectivity check (#719)
- contrib/garyburd/redigo: support go 1.15 (#731) (Thanks, @lbcjbb)
- contrib/net/http: Add error to span in round tripper (#736) (Thanks, @marciorodrigues87)
- contrib/twitchtv/twirp: Add explicit reference to the request span (#726) (Thanks, @mickeyreiss)
To view all changes check out new commits and the 1.27.0 milestone.