github DataDog/dd-sdk-ios 1.3.0-beta3

latest releases: 2.23.0, 2.22.1, 2.22.0...
pre-release4 years ago


• Auto-Instrumentation for Tracing 🤖
• Tracing for Objective-C 🧓

How to use auto-instrumentation:
Step 1: Set Datadog.Configuration.tracedHosts to your domains
Step 2: Set tracingEnabled
Step 3: Set Global.sharedTracer to a Datadog.Tracer instance
🚀 Your network requests are automatically traced now!

Auto-tracing is disabled by default
If auto-tracing is NOT enabled swizzling does not happen
Enabling auto-tracing by following the steps above results in swizzling URLSession.dataTaskWithURL:completion: and URLSession.dataTaskWithRequest:completion: methods.
You can look at how we swizzle methods here and/or what the new implementations of those methods are here and here.

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