github DataDog/datadog-agent 7.53.0

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one month ago



Release on: 2024-04-30

New Features

  • Support database-monitoring autodiscovery for Aurora cluster instances. Adds a new configuration listener to poll for a specific set of Aurora cluster IDs and then create a new database-monitoring supported check configuration for each endpoint. This allows for monitoring of endpoints that scale dynamically.
  • Add new core check orchestrator_ecs to collect running ECS tasks
  • APM stats now include an is_trace_root field to indicate if the stats are from the root span of a trace.
  • The cluster-agent now collects network policies from the cluster.
  • Enable 'host_benchmarks' by default when running the security-agent compliance module.
  • OTLP ingest now has a feature flag to identify top-level spans by span kind. This new logic can be enabled by adding enable_otlp_compute_top_level_by_span_kind in DD_APM_FEATURES.
    • With this new logic, root spans and spans with a server or consumer span.kind will be marked as top-level. Additionally, spans with a client or producer span.kind will have stats computed.
    • Enabling this feature flag may increase the number of spans that generate trace metrics, and may change which spans appear as top-level in Datadog.
  • Experimental: The process-agent checks (process, container, and process-discovery) can be run from the Core Agent in Linux. This feature can be toggled on by setting the process_config.run_in_core_agent.enabled flag to true in the datadog.yaml file. This feature is disabled by default.

Enhancement Notes

  • Add the container image and container lifecycle checks to the output of the Agent status command.
  • Add kubelet_core_check_enabled flag to Agent config to control whether the kubelet core check should be loaded.
  • Added LastSuccessfulTime to cronjob status payload.
  • Add a retry mechanism to Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) collection for container images. This will help to avoid intermittent failures during the collection process.
  • Add startup timestamp to the Agent metadata payload.
  • Agents are now built with Go 1.21.9.
  • Adds image repo digest string to the container payload when present
  • CWS: Add selftests report on Windows and platforms with no eBPF support.
  • CWS: Add visibility for cross container program executions on platforms with no eBPF support.
  • APM: Enable credit card obfuscation by default. There is a small chance that numbers that are similar to valid credit cards may be redacted, this feature can be disabled by using apm_config.obfuscation.credit_cards.enabled. Alternatively, it can be made more accurate through luhn checksum verification by using apm_config.obfuscation.credit_cards.luhn, however, this increases the performance penalty of this check.
  • logs_config.expected_tags_duration now works for journald logs.
  • [oracle] Adds oracle.can_query service check.
  • [oracle] Automatically fall back to deprecated Oracle integration mode if privileges are missing.
  • [oracle] Add service configuration parameter.
  • The connections check no longer relies on the process/container check as it can now fetch container data independently.
  • The performance of Remote Config has been significantly improved when large amounts of configurations are received.
  • Send ECS task lifecycle events in the container lifecycle check.
  • dbm: add new SQL obfuscation mode normalize_only to support normalizing SQL without obfuscating it. This mode is useful for customers who want to view unobfuscated SQL statements. By default, ObfuscationMode is set to obfuscate_and_normalize and every SQL statement is obfuscated and normalized.
  • USM: Handle the HTTP TRACE method.

Deprecation Notes

  • [oracle] Deprecating Oracle integration code. The functionality is fully implemented in the oracle-dbm check which is now renamed to oracle.

Bug Fixes

  • The windows_registry check can be run with the check sub-command.
  • CWS: Fix very rare event corruption.
  • Fixes issue where processes for ECS Fargate containers would sometimes not be associated with the correct container.
  • Fixed a bug in the Dual Shipping feature where events were not being emitted on endpoint recovery.
  • Fix issue with display_container_name being tagged as N/A when container_name information is available.
  • Fix a Windows process handle leak in the Process Agent, which was introduced in 7.52.0 when process_collection is enabled.
  • Fixes a bug where the tagger server did not properly handle a closed channel.
  • [oracle] Set the default for metric_prefix in custom_queries to oracle.
  • [oracle] Fix global_custom_queries bug.
  • [oracle] Adds the oracle.process.pga_maximum_memory metric for backward compatibility.
  • Stop sending systemd metrics when they are not set

Datadog Cluster Agent


Released on: 2024-04-30 Pinned to datadog-agent v7.53.0: CHANGELOG.

New Features

  • APM library injection now works on EKS Fargate when the admission controller is configured to add an Agent sidecar in EKS Fargate.
  • Cluster Agent now supports activating Application Security Management, Code Vulnerabilities, and Software Composition Analysis via Helm charts.

Enhancement Notes

  • Add the mutation_webhook tag to admission_webhooks.webhooks_received and admission_webhooks.response_duration Cluster Agent telemetry.
  • When using the admission controller to inject an Agent sidecar on EKS Fargate, shareProcessNamespace is now set to true automatically. This is to ensure that the process collection feature works.

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