github DataDog/datadog-agent 7.44.0

latest releases: test/otel/v0.58.0-rc.8, test/new-e2e/v0.58.0-rc.8, test/fakeintake/v0.58.0-rc.8...
17 months ago



Release on: 2023-04-27

New Features

  • Added HTTP/2 parsing logic to Universal Service Monitoring.
  • Adding Universal Service Monitoring to the Agent status check. Now Datadog has visibility into the status of Universal Service Monitoring. Startup failures appear in the status check.
  • In the agent.log, a DEBUG, WARN, and ERROR log have been added to report how many file handles the core Agent process has open. The DEBUG log reports the info, the WARN log appears when the core Agent is over 90% of the OS file limit, and the ERROR log appears when the core Agent has reached 100% of the OS file limit. In the Agent status command, fields CoreAgentProcessOpenFiles and OSFileLimit have been added to the Logs Agent section. This feature is currently for Linux only.
  • APM: Collect trace agent startup errors and successes using instrumentation-telemetry "apm-onboarding-event" messages.
  • APM OTLP: Introduce OTLP Ingest probabilistic sampling, configurable via otlp_config.traces.probabilistic_sampler.sampling_percentage.
  • Experimental: The Datadog Admission Controller can inject the .NET APM library into Kubernetes containers for auto-instrumentation.
  • Enable CWS Security Profiles by default.
  • Support the config additional_endpoints for Data Streams monitoring.
  • Added support for collecting container image metadata when using Docker.
  • Added Kafka parsing logic to system-probe
  • Allow writing SECL rules against container creation time through the new container.created_at field, similar to the existing process.container_at field. The container creation time is also reported in the sent events.
  • [experimental] CWS generates an SBOM for any running workload on the machine.
  • [experimental] CWS events are enriched with SBOM data.
  • [experimental] CWS activity dumps are enriched with SBOM data.
  • Enable OTLP endpoint for receiving traces in the Datadog Lambda Extension.
  • On Windows, when service inference is enabled, process_context tags can now be populated by the service name in the SCM. This feature can be controlled by either the service_monitoring_config.process_service_inference.enabled config setting in the user's datadog.yaml config file, or it can be configured via the DD_SYSTEM_PROBE_PROCESS_SERVICE_INFERENCE_USE_WINDOWS_SERVICE_NAME environment variable. This setting is enabled by default.

Enhancement Notes

  • Added kubernetes_state.hpa.status_target_metric and kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_ready metrics part of the kubernetes_state_core check.

  • The status page now includes a Status render errors section to highlight errors that occurred while rendering it.

  • APM:

    • Run the /debug/* endpoints in a separate server which uses port 5012 by default and only listens on The port is configurable through apm_config.debug.port and DD_APM_DEBUG_PORT, set it to 0 to disable the server.
    • Scrub the content served by the expvar endpoint.
  • APM: apm_config.features is now configurable from the Agent configuration file. It was previously only configurable via DD_APM_FEATURES.

  • Agents are now built with Go 1.19.7.

  • The OTLP ingest endpoint now supports the same settings and protocol as the OpenTelemetry Collector OTLP receiver v0.71.0.

  • Collect Kubernetes Pod conditions.

  • Added the "availability-zone" tag to the Fargate integration. This matches the tag emitted by other AWS infrastructure integrations.

  • Allow to report all gathered data in case of partial failure of container metrics retrieval.

  • Upgraded JMXFetch to 0.47.8 which has improvements aimed to help large metric collections drop fewer payloads.

  • JMXFetch upgraded to 0.47.5 which now supports pulling metrics from Also contains a fix for pulling metrics from when no tags are specified.

  • Updated chunking util and use cases to use generics. No behavior change.

  • [corechecks/snmp] Add interface_configs to override interface speed.

  • No longer increments TCP retransmit count when the retransmit fails.

  • The OTLP ingestion endpoint now supports the same settings and protocols as the OpenTelemetry Collector OTLP receiver v0.70.0.

  • Changes the retry mechanism of starting workloadmeta collectors so that instead of retrying every 30 seconds, it retries following an exponential backoff with initial interval of 1s and max of 30s. In general, this should help start sooner the collectors that failed on the first try.

  • Added the "pull_duration" metric in the workloadmeta telemetry. It measures the time that it takes to pull from the collectors.

Deprecation Notes

  • Marked the "availability_zone" tag as deprecated for the Fargate integration, in favor of "availability-zone".
  • Configuration enable_sketch_stream_payload_serialization is now deprecated.

Security Notes

  • The Agent now checks containerd containers Spec size before parsing it. Any Spec exceeding 2MB will not be parsed and a warning will be emitted. This impacts the container_env_as_tags feature and %%hostname%% variable resolution for environments based on containerd outside of Kubernetes.

Bug Fixes

  • APM: Fix issue where dogstatsd proxy would not work when bind address was set to localhost on MacOS. APM: Fix issue where setting bind_host to "::1" would break runtime metrics for the trace-agent.
  • APM: Trace Agent not printing critical init errors.
  • Fixes a bug where ignored container files (that were not tailed) were incorrectly counted against the total open files.
  • Fixes the configuration parsing of the "container_lifecycle" check. Custom config values were not being applied.
  • Corrects dogstatsd metric message validation to support all current (and some future) dogstatsd features
  • Avoid panic in kubernetes_state_core check with specific Ingress objects configuration.
  • Fixes a divide-by-zero panic when sketch serialization fails on the last metric of a given batch
  • Fix issue introduced in 7.43 that prevents the Datadog Agent Manager application from executing from the checkbox at the end of the Datadog Agent installation when the installer is run by a non-elevated administrator user.
  • Fixes a problem with USM and IIS on Windows Server 2022 due to a change in the way Microsoft reports IIS connections.
  • Fixes the labelsAsTags parameter of the kube-state metrics core check. Tags were not properly formatted when they came from a label on one resource type (for example, namespace) and turned into a tag on another resource type (for example, pod).
  • The OTLP ingest endpoint does not report the first cumulative monotonic sum value if the start timestamp of the timeseries matches its timestamp.
  • Prevent disallowlisting on empty command line for processes in the Process Agent when encountering a failure to parse, use exe value instead.
  • Make SNMP Listener support all authProtocol.
  • Fix an issue where agent status would show incorrect system-probe status for 15 seconds as the system-probe started up.
  • Fix partial loss of NAT info in system-probe for pre-existing connections.
  • Replace ; with & in the URL to open GUI to follow
  • Workloadmeta now avoids concurrent pulls from the same collector. This bug could lead to incorrect or missing data when the collectors were too slow pulling data.
  • Fixes a bug that prevents the containerd workloadmeta collector from starting sometimes when container_image_collection.metadata.enabled is set to true.
  • Fixed a bug in the SBOM collection feature. In certain cases, some SBOMs were not collected.

Other Notes

  • The logs_config.cca_in_ad has been removed.

Datadog Cluster Agent

New Features

  • Add conditions to Vertical Pod Autoscalers
  • Experimental: Support Ruby library injection through the Admission Controller on Kubernetes.

Enhancement Notes

  • Add new metrics for the KSM Core check for extended resources:
    • Pod requests and limits of the network bandwidth extended resource: kubernetes_state.container.network_bandwidth_limit, kubernetes_state.container.network_bandwidth_requested
    • The capacity and allocatable network bandwidth extended resource of a node: kubernetes_state.node.network_bandwidth_allocatable, kubernetes_state.node.network_bandwidth_capacity
  • Admission Controller: Add telemetry around auto-instrumentation via remote config.
  • The UDS socket volume when using the Admission Controller is now mounted in readOnly mode.

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