github DataDog/datadog-agent 7.33.0

latest releases: test/otel/v0.59.0-rc.1, test/new-e2e/v0.59.0-rc.1, test/fakeintake/v0.59.0-rc.1...
2 years ago


Release on: 2022-01-26

Upgrade Notes

  • APM: The apm_config.max_traces_per_second setting no longer affects error sampling. To change the TPS for errors, use apm_config.error_traces_per_second instead.
  • Starting from this version of the Agent, the Agent does not run on SLES 11. The new minimum requirement is SLES >= 12 or OpenSUSE >= 15 (including OpenSUSE 42).
  • Changed the default value of logs_config.docker_container_use_file to true. The agent will now prefer to use files for collecting docker logs and fall back to the docker socket when files are not available.
  • Upgrade Docker base image to ubuntu:21.10 as new stable release.

New Features

  • Autodiscovery of integrations now works with containerd.
  • Metadata information sent by the Agent are now part of the flares. This will allow for easier troubleshooting of issues related to metadata.
  • APM: Added credit card obfuscation. It is off by default and can be enabled using the env. var. DD_APM_OBFUSCATION_CREDIT_CARDS_ENABLED or apm_config.obfuscation.credit_cards.enabled. There is also an option to enable an additional Luhn checksum check in order to eliminate false negatives, but it comes with a performance cost and should not be used unless absolutely needed. The option is DD_APM_OBFUSCATION_CREDIT_CARDS_LUHN or apm_config.obfuscation.credit_cards.luhn.
  • APM: The rare sampler can now be disabled using the environment variable DD_APM_DISABLE_RARE_SAMPLER or the apm_config.disable_rare_sampler configuration. By default the rare sampler catches 5 extra trace chunks per second on top of the head base sampling. The TPS is spread to catch all combinations of service, name, resource, http.status, error.type missed by head base sampling.
  • APM: The error sampler TPS can be configured using the environment variable DD_APM_ERROR_TPS or the apm_config.error_traces_per_second configuration. It defaults to 10 extra trace chunks sampled per second on top of the base head sampling. The TPS is spread to catch all combinations of service, name, resource, http.status, and error.type.
  • Add a generic container check. It generates container.* metrics based on all running containers, regardless of the container runtime used (among the supported ones).
  • Added new option "container_labels_as_tags" that allows the Agent to extract container label values and set them as metric tags values. It's equivalent to the existing "docker_labels_as_tags", but it also works with containerd.
  • CSPM: enable the usage of the print function in Rego rules.
  • CSPM: add option to dump reports to file, when running checks manually. CSPM: constants can now be defined in rego rules and will be usable from rego rules.
  • CWS: SECL expressions can now make use of predefined variables. ${} variable refers to the pid of the process that trigger the event.
  • Enable NPM DNS domain collection by default.
  • Exposed additional experimental configuration for OTLP metrics translation via experimental.otlp.metrics.
  • Add two options under a new config prefix to send metrics to Vector instead of Datadog. vector.metrics.enabled must be set to true, along with vector.metrics.url that should be set to point to a Vector configured accordingly.
  • The bpf syscall is now monitored by CWS; rules can be written on BPF commands.
  • Add runtime settings support to the security-agent. Currenlty only the log-level is supported.
  • APM: A new intake endpoint was added as /v0.6/traces, which accepts a new, more compact and efficient payload format. For more details, check:

Enhancement Notes

  • Adds Nomad namespace and datacenter to list of env vars extracted from Docker containers.
  • Add a new On-disk storage section to agent status command.
  • Run CSPM commands as a configurable user. Defaults to 'nobody'.
  • CSPM: the findings query now defaults to data.datadog.findings
  • The docker.exit service check has a new tag exit_code. The 143 exit code is considered OK by default, in addition to 0. The Docker check supports a parameter ok_exit_codes to allow choosing exit codes that are considered OK.
  • Allow dogstatsd replay files to be fully loaded into memory as opposed to relying on MMAP. We still default to MMAPing replay targets.
  • kubernetes_state.node.* metrics are tagged with kubelet_version, container_runtime_version, kernel_version, and os_image.
  • The Kube State Metrics Core check uses ksm v2.1.
  • Lowercase the cluster names discovered from cloud providers to ease moving between different Datadog products.
  • On Windows, allow enabling process discovery in the process agent by providing PROCESS_DISCOVERY_ENABLED=true to the msiexec command.
  • Automatically extract the org.opencontainers.image.revision container label into the git.commit.sha tag.
  • The experimental OTLP endpoint now can be configured through the experimental.otlp.receiver section and supports the same settings as the OpenTelemetry Collector OTLP receiver v0.38.0.
  • The Process, APM, and Security agent now use the remote tagger introduced in Agent 7.26 by default. To disable it in the respective agent, the following settings need to be set to `false`:
    • apm_config.remote_tagger
    • process_config.remote_tagger
    • security_agent.remote_tagger
  • Allows the remote tagger timeout at startup to be configured by setting the remote_tagger_timeout_seconds config value. It also now defaults to 30 seconds instead of 5 minutes.
  • Calls to cloud metadata APIs for metadata like hostnames and IP addresses are now cached and the existing values used when the metadata service returns an error. This will prevent such metadata from temporarily "disappearing" from hosts.
  • Datadog Process Agent Service is started automatically by the core agent on Windows when process discovery is enabled in the config.
  • All packages - datadog-agent, datadog-iot-agent and datadog-dogstatsd -now support AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux distributions.
  • If unrecognized DD_.. environment variables are set, the agent will now log a warning at startup, to help catch deployment typos.
  • Update the embedded pip version to 21.3.1 on Python 3 to allow the use of newer build backends.
  • Metric series can now be submitted using the V2 API by setting use_v2_api.series to true. This value defaults to false, and should only be set to true in internal testing scenarios. The default will change in a future release.
  • Add support for Windows 20H2 in published Docker images
  • Add a new agent command to dump the content of the workloadmeta store agent workload-list. The output of agent workload-list --verbose is included in the agent flare.

Bug Fixes

  • Strip special characters (n, r and t) from OctetString
  • APM: Fix bug where obfuscation fails for autovacuum sql text. For example, SQL text like autovacuum: VACUUM ANALYZE fake.table will no longer fail obfuscation.
  • APM: Fix SQL obfuscation failures on queries with literals that include non alpha-numeric characters
  • APM: Fix obfuscation error on SQL queries using the '!' operator.
  • Fixed Windows Dockerfile scripts to make the ECS Fargate Python check run when the agent is deployed in ECS Fargate Windows.
  • Fixing deadlock when stopping the agent righ when a metadata provider is scheduled.
  • Fix a bug where container_include/exclude_metrics was applied on Autodiscovery when using Docker, preventing logs collection configured through container_include/exclude_logs.
  • Fix inclusion of registry.json file in flare
  • Fixes an issue where the agent would remove tags from pods or containers around 5 minutes after startup of either the agent itself, or the pods or containers themselves.
  • APM: SQL query obfuscation doesn't drop redacted literals from the obfuscated query when they are preceded by a SQL comment.
  • The Kube State Metrics Core check supports VerticalPodAutoscaler metrics.
  • The experimental OTLP endpoint now uses the StartTimestamp field for reset detection on cumulative metrics transformations.
  • Allow configuring process discovery check in the process agent when both regular process and container checks are off.
  • Fix disk check reporting /dev/root instead of the actual block device path and missing its tags when tag_by_label is enabled.
  • Remove occasionally hanging autodiscovery errors from the agent status once a pod is deleted.

Other Notes

  • The Windows installer only creates the datadog.yaml file on new installs.

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