github DataDog/datadog-agent 7.30.0

latest releases: test/otel/v0.58.0-rc.8, test/new-e2e/v0.58.0-rc.8, test/fakeintake/v0.58.0-rc.8...
3 years ago


Release on: 2021-08-12

New Features

  • APM: It is now possible to enable internal profiling of the
    trace-agent. Warning however that this will incur additional billing
    charges and should not be used unless agreed with support.
  • APM: Added experimental support for Opentelemetry collecting via
    experimental.otlp.{http_port,grpc_port} or their corresponding
    environment variables (DD_OTLP{HTTP,GRPC}_PORT).
  • Kubernetes Autodiscovery now supports additional template variables:
    %%kube_pod_name%%, %%kube_namespace%% and %%kube_pod_uid%%.
  • Add support for SELinux related events, like boolean value updates
    or enforcment status changes.

Enhancement Notes

  • Reveals useful information within a SQL execution plan for Postgres.
  • Add support to provide options to the obfuscator to change the
  • APM: Added additional tags to profiles in AWS Fargate environments.
  • APM: Main hostname acquisition now happens via gRPC to the Datadog
  • Make the check_sampler bucket expiry configurable based on the
    number of CheckSampler commits.
  • The cri check no longer sends metrics for stopped containers, in
    line with containerd and docker checks. These metrics were all zeros
    in the first place, so no impact is expected.
  • Kubernetes State Core check: Job metrics corresponding to a Cron Job
    are tagged with a kube_cronjob tag.
  • Environment autodiscovery is now used to selectively activate
    providers (kubernetes, docker, etc.) inside each component (tagger,
    host tags, hostname).
  • When using a secret_backend_command
    STDERR is always logged with a debug log level. This eases
    troubleshooting a user's secret_backend_command in a containerized
  • secret_backend_timeout has been
    increased from 5s to 30s. This increases support for the slow to
    load Python script used for secret_backend_command. This was an issue
    when importing large libraries in a containerized environment.
  • Increase default timeout to sync Kubernetes Informers from 2 to 5
  • The Kube State Metrics Core checks adds the global user-defined tags
    (DD_TAGS) by the default.
  • If the new log_all_goroutines_when_unhealthy configuration
    parameter is set to true, when a component is unhealthy, log the
    stacktraces of the goroutines to ease the investigation.
  • The amount of time the agent waits before scanning for new logs is
    now configurable with logs_config.file_scan_period
  • Flares now include goroutine blocking and mutex profiles if enabled.
    New flare options were added to collect new profiles at the same
    time as cpu profile.
  • Add a section about container inclusion/exclusion errors to the
    agent status command.
  • Runtime Security now provide kernel related information as part of
    the flare.
  • Python interpreter sys.executable is now set to the appropriate
    interpreter's executable path. This should allow multiprocessing
    to be able to spawn new processes since it will try to invoke the
    Python interpreter instead of the Agent itself. It should be noted
    though that the Pyton packages injected at runtime by the Agent are
    only available from the main process, not from any sub-processes.
  • Add a single entrypoint script in the agent docker image. This
    script will be leveraged by a new version of the Helm chart.
  • [corechecks/snmp] Add bulk_max_repetitions config
  • Add device status snmp corecheck metadata
  • [snmp/corecheck] Add interface.id_tags needed to correlated
    metadata interfaces with interface metrics
  • In addition to the existing / script, the Agent
    container image contains another secret helper script
    /, faster and more reliable.
  • Consider pinned CPUs (cpusets) when calculating CPU limit from

Bug Fixes

  • APM: Fix SQL obfuscation on postgres queries using the tilde
  • APM: Fixed an issue with the Web UI on Internet Explorer.
  • APM: The priority sampler service catalog is no longer unbounded. It
    is now limited to 5000 service & env combinations.
  • Apply the max_returned_metrics
    parameter from prometheus annotations, if configured.
  • Removes noisy error logs when collecting Cloud Foundry application
  • For dogstatsd captures, Only serialize to disk the portion of
    buffers actually used by the payloads ingested, not the full buffer.
  • Fix a bug in cgroup parser preventing from getting proper metrics in
    Container Live View when using CRI-O and systemd cgroup manager.
  • Avoid sending duplicated datadog.agent.up service checks.
  • When tailing logs from docker with DD_LOGS_CONFIG_DOCKER_CONTAINER_USE_FILE=true
    and a source container label is set the agent will now respect that
    label and use it as the source. This aligns the behavior with
    tailing from the docker socket.
  • On Windows, when the host shuts down, handles the PreShutdown
    message to avoid the error
    The DataDog Agent service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in 60000 milliseconds: Restart the service.
    in Event Viewer.
  • Fix label joins in the Kube State Metrics Core check.
  • Append the cluster name, if found, to the hostname for
    kubernetes_state_core metrics.
  • Ensure the health probes used as Kubernetes liveness probe are not
    failing in case of issues on the network or on an external
  • Remove unplanned call between the process-agent and the the DCA when
    the orchestratorExplorer feature is disabled.
  • [corechecks/snmp] Set default oid_batch_size to 5. High oid
    batch size can lead to timeouts.
  • Agent collecting Docker containers on hosts with a lot of container
    churn now uses less memory by properly purging the respective tags
    after the containers exit. Other container runtimes were not
    affected by the issue.

Other Notes

  • APM: The trace-agent no longer warns on the first outgoing request
    retry, only starting from the 4th.
  • All Agent binaries are now compiled with Go 1.15.13
  • JMXFetch upgraded to 0.44.2
  • Build environment changes:
    • omnibus-software: [cacerts] updating with latest: 2021-07-05
    • omnibus-ruby: Support 'Recommends' dependencies for deb packages
  • Runtime Security doesn't set the service tag with the runtime-security-agent value by default.

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